Nevada Recreation & Park Society

Strengthening Professionals for Today & Tomorrow

NRPS Newsletter 

NRPS regularly communicates with members through email and  newsletters that deliver cutting-edge stories and resources from the field. NRPS regularly communicates with members through email and newsletters that deliver cutting-edge stories and resources from the field.  

Stay Informed!!!

Want to stay informed about parks and recreation?

Manage your subscription preferences to receive our FREE quarterly newsletter filled with Society updates, inspiring stories and ways to get involved!

Share information about your Agency or Program! 

We are seeking article submissions for our upcoming newsletter! We welcome personal narratives on topics such as communication, park and facility operations, human resources, programming, finance, or any other areas related to parks, recreation, community services, and cultural affairs.

Please submit your article in Microsoft Word, with a maximum of 400 words. If available, kindly include a photo to accompany your submission.

*All submissions are subject to approval

2024 Newsletters

Issue 19

Issue 20

2019 Newsletters

Issue 6

Issue 7

Issue 8

Issue 9

2020 Newsletters

Issue 10

Issue 11

Issue 12

2021 Newsletters

Issue 13

Issue 14

Issue 15

Issue 16

Contact Us

Nevada Recreation and Park Society (NRPS)

P.O. Box  97264

LAs Vegas, Nevada 89193

Email Us

Refund Policy

NRPS Newsletter

The NRPS Newsletter provides Parks & Rec Professionals, Vendors, and all Stakeholders information on what our great state and

orginization has to offer!

Learn More Today!

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